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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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Self-awareness moment but why do people who hate the sharty are the most whiny faggots imaginable who avatarfag all over people the place on 4chan but everyone who loves the sharty is people straight out of the dirlewagner brigade? it's not a coincidence that all the sociopathic discord faggots attact themselves to the sharty (ie foodists, groomercord etc), as a person whos been glued to the shithole that the sharty for years on end i've just begun to think about this.


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Even Kuz knew about this btw


Hating/liking the sharty isn't even worth it anymore given the current state of the site


Just make Lessons in Meme Culture review Soyjaks


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i don't fkin know but i feel like i am forced to "like" the sharty publicly, otherwise my whole reputation is gonna get destroyed by false allegations.
like get this: JUST because some (((((shitskin child))))) decided he doesn't like something, they'd have to make a big deal of whatever the interest is, say it's liked by pedotrannies or some kind of cherrypicking, then i am somehow a pedotranny because X, Y and Z. (no objectionable proof btw)

i know i am blogposting and most of all glowfagging, but i would unironically kill a soytroon in self-defense, if one ever decides to fuck around and find out,
because at the same time 1 times out of 5 i could find a soycuck to share a beer with


Soyjaks have been driven into the ground. The only thing stopping it from dying is the Soysphere, which will die in time. As soon as it happens, the floodgates of the abandoned /qa/ will open and it will be over for 'jaks. I pray it does not happen.

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