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/sharty/ - Offsite Sharty/Soysphere Discussion

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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no soikike gets spared. spl*nter, kikecord, booru, or sharty, they're all pitiful soikikes.


This is the ultimate example of poes law


the shemmy is filled with gay pedos btw so it dosent really matter




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I love cringe threads


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I have a few saved for a occasion like this KEEEK


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>wants to rape children award


they learned nothing from lolicrap.
just because zellig posters are idiots doesn't mean you have to potray yourself raping teenage girls from the show.
i want what nusoicacas call soysphere to die.


sharty's least kinky fantasies


I love the Death Note OST SO MVCH


who are you quoting though


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>censors splinter but not sharty
you are not a MAGA patriot; you are a soykike. specifically Mud (Quote) or Froot.

Your kind worships the Talmud, Israel, Rothschild and Democrats.
Fuck off, soykike. I wish death upon your entire tribe


the shemmy is a splinter full of paedophiles and they get banned from the sharty

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