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/weab/ - Tranime Trash

Password (For file deletion.)
Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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Stay in touch with your /weab/ friends!


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The /weab/ friends meetup.



God I wish that were me


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Taking it easy on /weab/


sign me up


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>frog-sama gave up
We won.


good riddance


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Frogteens will never recover


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*Sharts on your post*


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It's funny how much dedication he has for replying to these posts, hopefully he's taking it easy by now.


it's actually immature and pathetic, like barneyfag level autism


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You’re a fat ugly guy in his 30s sitting behind a computer screen and posting drawings of children to elicit attention from anonymous users on the internet because it’s the only social interaction you can handle


die teen


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>mass reply


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Is he wrong though?


Obvious samefag is obvious.


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Yikes sweaty, you need help


>what's inspect element


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total weab victory


Where do I sign up?


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The only good frog is a dead one!


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They're really acting up today.


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STUPID frogposter


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>They're really acting up today.



Keyed JonklerCHAD giving these filthy moeSHITTERS a taste of their own medicine as always.


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>took 6+ hours to finally respond
I accept your concession, frogbro. You can continue your autism now.


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>I accept your concession, frogbro. You can continue your autism now.




and there he is lol, do you think we can keep him


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I know how we can deal with this!




Keyed Elon, weabs will not recover.




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It's for you Mr. Musk


cunny needs correction 💢💢

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