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/weab/ - Tranime Trash

Password (For file deletion.)
Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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DAILY reminder to all trans """"people"""" that your self image and identity is a product of escapism and mental illness, and your physical features are more akin to the likes of a goblin than whatever tranime character you've deluded yourself into believing you look like. You will never be a real woman, nor will you ever resemble one. Join the 40% today and kill yourselves. :)


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Holy BASED sticky, how will weabs ever recover?


tranimesisters… how do we cope?


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shit sticky




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tick tock.
The clock is ticking weab, you have less than 3 minutes.


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Seathe all you want, it won't prove OP wrong y'know.


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>shit sticky


quisit sticky
ignore the seething troons itt




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So much this


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>"saging" a sticky
tranimesissies are we retarded


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weabs btfo


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*sharts on your post*


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Looks like weabs will have to shower after this one


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checked and kek'd
die weab die


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Frog website.


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Your kind is looked down upon here and this will never be your personal tranime hugbox no matter how much you delude yourself. Dilate and join your sisters in the 41%.



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>website tranime


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Not a tranime website.



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The following redpill is gonna be hard for you to swallow. I invite you to watch the movie Manbiki Kazoku (Shoplifters) for a realistic impression of everyday Japanese life. Japan isn't clean, sparkly and odor-neutral like in your tranimes. The Japanese live like cattle on a farm, cramped into tiny one-room "apartments" that are filled to the brim with trash. The only reason you don't notice how dirty it is is because there's not enough room on the floor for piles of dirt and dust to form. They come home from shopping at a konbini and sit down at their floor-table thing without even washing their hands. They sleep in futons which they never wash (too big for a washing machine), they simply "air them out" every now and then. Yes, that's right, they sleep in their own fermented sweat and maybe piss until they buy a new futon. The summers in Japan are very hot and humid, yet the Japanese don't shower after getting home. They wipe their sweat into the furniture (which they never clean) and take turns in bathing in the same bathwater later at night. They slurp their ramen noodles for banmeshi and spill thick drops of grease everywhere. You can't even clean the floor properly since it's covered with tatami, mats made of flimsy rice weed, which are destroyed if you even step on them forcefully, let alone wipe them. They have no proper doors or windows, just paper-thin covers that slide to the side which are always open in summer, meaning the inside of their "homes" is teeming with insects. In winter they sit inside at a kotatsu in full winter clothing because they don't know about isolation in the 21st century.

Do I need to go on? I guess you're dizzy by now. "How could the country I adored for most of my adult life be such a backwater shithole?" I hear you squeal in disbelief. I know you weren't ready for this. But reality doesn't care about your feelings. I promise, you will be better off knowing this a few years down the road.


>website аnime
are you retarded


Lol how will the weabs ever recover from this


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We won!



In your dreams weab



They needed that reminder.


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>shit sticky
>So much this
>File (hide): 1723323578505.jpg (14.53 KB, 250x250, kuso thread award.jpg)
>File (hide): 1723325949352.jpg (76.33 KB, 1242x706, 20240519_200530.jpg)
>File (hide): 1723329770826.webm (129 KB, 1920x1080, 1621736356325.webm) [play once] [loop]
>File (hide): 1723331743065.jpg (6.08 MB, 1732x2537, 99063255_p0.jpg)
>We won!


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>Of /qa/ get out
Why are weabs like this?


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>>>1030 (You)


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dial 8


schwayed, they're not coming back from this.


We get it you're transgender, no need to brag about it





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Teen thread


fucking groomer scum


I watched The Nutshack and it didn't make me troon out.
OP, there are specific genres that won't make me troon out because why would I want to be a woman.




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Weabs' reign of terror is finally finished.


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