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/卐/ - National Socialism

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

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When did you realize he was right?




around 2019


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It's always the most soulless people imaginable who hate on Hitler all day. Anti-Hitlerists will say ANY kind of lie about Hitler to make him seem bad. He was Christian according to atheists, and a godless atheist according to Christians, but both can't be true at the same time.


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When I found out he was a Disney fan.

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I would like to see China just admit they are wrong and bring back more old traditions.
I want China to be known for its past and traditions.


ccp lies. trump would never touch the great wall of coronavirus


it’s the wailing wall


George Lincoln Rockwell on Kosher Food





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was hitler actually socialist or was he far right
54 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


actually it was a falseflag, every post above was mine to steal the get kek


froogoogagas btfo (even doe i lost)


Sane and exemplary member of the Aryan race


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>A genocide should be perpetrated against the froogoogagaish population of the internet- a genocide the likes of which the world has never seen before. The genocide should start with lone wolf attacks the green cretins. Our prime targets will be any major websites with froogoogagas residing in them. I call on all the internet to rise up and begin rangebanning froogoogagas from their sites. You must have no sympathy for the filthy froogoogaga. You must massacre froogoogagas of all sites, whether that involves ddosing theribbitrally.org or nuking froogogagaish subreddits and discord servers. You must remember that there is absolutely no such thing as an innocent froogoogaga, as all froogoogagas are a hivemind bent on the destruction of the soyjak culture. Never show an ounce of sympathy for any froogoogaga, just as you would not sympathize with a flea, a tick or any other parasite - the life of a froogoogaga has no more value than that of a louse or a tapeworm. Once violence against froogoogagas goes viral, we can overthrow our traitorous froogoogagaish-run moderation and institute a regime that will ensure total annihilation of the froogoogagaish poison once and for all. Every single filthy froogoogaga must be permabanned and doxxed.


Mix as I know.

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Is Trump just pretending to be the most Pro-Israel president in USA history?


but hes threatening to destroy Israel if he loses in that post



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Always remember: We Aryans were Reich and sheeiit


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It's TAS (Total Aryan Salvation)


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>results of the 2020 electio-
(You sound like a triggered kike. Hey, kike, here's an idea, the holocaust never happened but it should have, and hopefully another one happens soon. #Trump2020 reich GAS THE KIKES. SIEG HEIL)


Get fucked kike


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deez nuts

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kek, its keyed


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Kikespamming puppets, Paid shills, Glowie falseflaggers, Anti-trump/Pro-kamala activists, Soicucks, Leftypol raiders, Commie advocates, Weabspammers, George Soros-funded (((derailers))), /vt/rannies, /s4s/trannies, Democrats, Demoralizing troons, Talmudic nonsense spewers, Freedom suppressers, rDrama troons, "Ironic"/Unironic horsefuckers, FOTM spammers, BBC (((propagandists))), Leftoid tranny falseflaggers, Deep State shills, Sharty/Offsite raiders, Shblwarrior and his goons, Bidenbros, Soysphere immigrants, Unironic holohoax believers, Chudpol/Chud.win fail"raiders", Fake news disseminators, Tim Walz worshippers, /jp/corders, (((Propaganda)))-spewing trolls paid by the JIDF, /a/utists, Niggers, Israhell sympathizers, Mossad (((assets))), Schizos who managed to escape from /weab/, "Vote blue no matter who" retards, Pissu trannies, Pro-tranny sympathizers/propagandists, Anti-Natsoc peasants, "Trump is a Zionist shill" propagandists, Anti-frog spastics, Shareblue shills honestly WISH they were even HALF as QUISIT and KEYED as theribbitrally.org



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Keep on spinnin' windmill


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Blessed thread.


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