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/卐/ - National Socialism

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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

all NAF (not a frog) must be posted here >>>/weab/

File: 1726680916618-0.png (2.63 MB, 2970x2100, National Socialism.png)ImgOps Yandex

File: 1726680916618-1.png (2.67 MB, 2048x6048, NS ekonomi.png)ImgOps Yandex

File: 1726680916618-2.png (1.12 MB, 2048x1397, 1650108706649.png)ImgOps Yandex



kek, its keyed


File: 1726683522557.png (227.7 KB, 860x880, 1662043106470532.png)ImgOps Yandex

Kikespamming puppets, Paid shills, Glowie falseflaggers, Anti-trump/Pro-kamala activists, Soicucks, Leftypol raiders, Commie advocates, Weabspammers, George Soros-funded (((derailers))), /vt/rannies, /s4s/trannies, Democrats, Demoralizing troons, Talmudic nonsense spewers, Freedom suppressers, rDrama troons, "Ironic"/Unironic horsefuckers, FOTM spammers, BBC (((propagandists))), Leftoid tranny falseflaggers, Deep State shills, Sharty/Offsite raiders, Shblwarrior and his goons, Bidenbros, Soysphere immigrants, Unironic holohoax believers, Chudpol/Chud.win fail"raiders", Fake news disseminators, Tim Walz worshippers, /jp/corders, (((Propaganda)))-spewing trolls paid by the JIDF, /a/utists, Niggers, Israhell sympathizers, Mossad (((assets))), Schizos who managed to escape from /weab/, "Vote blue no matter who" retards, Pissu trannies, Pro-tranny sympathizers/propagandists, Anti-Natsoc peasants, "Trump is a Zionist shill" propagandists, Anti-frog spastics, Shareblue shills honestly WISH they were even HALF as QUISIT and KEYED as theribbitrally.org



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