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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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cereanigger MUST be hanged

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You won't fucking believe what will happen in the coming days, something big is a comin'…

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a soybaby weabkike liblard walks into a bar. He asks the waiter if he's a trump supporting nazi so that he can decide whether or not to report him to ANTIFA.
The waiter tells him that he hasn't met anyone who voted for trump yet. Soybaby liblard says “good! Now serve me a soy bubblegum latte” waiter replies, “I'm sorry sir, but the closest we have to soy is regular milk”.
The soybaby liblard says “I see, then I'd like to have a pumpkin spice latte”. The waiter replies “Sir, we're out of that too”.
So the soybaby liblard thinks for a moment and says “Well, I'd like to have a black coffee”.
The waiter replies “There you go sir, drink up.”
The soybaby liblard drinks his coffee, finishes it all, then proceeds to get up and leave. He walks out of the bar, and as he does so, he begins to scream, and wail, and cry out for the bartender to get a cop and a medic on the scene.
The bartender proceeds to call the cops and medical services.
Soybaby liblard sees them pull up, and begins to get more and more hysterical. He starts yelling at the cops about how his black coffee turned him black. And he begins to make racist accusations towards the bartender.
Police take him away, to their car, and begin to ask him questions about why he was yelling so loud, and what exactly was going on. Soybaby liblard says, “I went to that bar, and ordered a black coffee! And now I'm black!” The police look at him, puzzled. They begin to call him crazy, but he begins to say the same thing over and over again.
“I was born white! But the bartender gave me black coffee, so I'm black now!”
Police proceed to drive soybaby liblard to the nearest mental health facility, where he can be evaluated and treated. Soybaby liblard goes in, and after 2 weeks of being inside the facility, he finally decides to go back home. He gets dropped off at his home by the ambulance.
As soon as he steps foot inside his house, he begins to head towards the bathroom. He begins to splash water all over his face, his hands, his chest, his legs. All over. He does it again and again and again, without even trying to get dry. Soybaby liblard is standing in the shower, getting wetter and wetter.
He starts to scream again. This time even louder than before. He goes to the mirror and starts looking at his face. He begins to yell at the mirror, asking it why he's black, when he's supposed to be white.
He then goes into his room, closes the door, and goes to his laptop.
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Good thread OP




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good kek

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/bant/ - Frogs


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big kek

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so much trumphope

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9000 GET coming soon
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is it coming up though


kek will tell


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Why is it that when libtards try to make comics mocking us they always end up making us sound bаsed?


keyed aggression

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Nothing against conservatism, but I really don't like American politics and would be more inclined to post here if the focus wasn't that. I believe that America is a fake democracy controlled by corporate, and that capitalist democracy is a government inherently controlled by corporate. Only authoritarian capitalism (fascism) and socialism can improve life for everyone and save lives (in my opinion).

Basically third party has never won, democrat and republican are the exact same, they never act on their perceived "moral differences" and have the exact same goals. When you look at a president, you're looking at a man that has risen to power through money alone and will work for the creation of money alone. What caused all of these issues in the first place is human ambition and the industrial revolution. All moral degeneration in today's era is from corporations finding out that they can make money by abusing the body's natural inclination towards sin, addiction and laziness, like weed, porn, subscriptions, tobacco, homosexuality & hormone selling. My source is that these issues were never apparent before the industrial revolution (the start of capitalism) and the years of growing it and modernizing everything. There's a reason why the east, south, etc are less inclined towards these things. It's not religion, their religions can be liberal to the core or already exist in the homosexual west. It's because they aren't completely modernized and corporate bodies aren't as strong there.

Trump never did anything against any of these things last time btw, during his presidency children were still groomed online and in schools, immigrants (who come because the uncontrolled capitalist system benefits from it) still came, and the country was generally the same as it is now besides different illusions being made.



The issue is that the corporates/jews/masons/globalists want their socialist system too. Just they wish to sit at the top of it. Realistically any guy who gets in office an administration with the strength to fight against these domestic threats with stronger government power will in the end see all that power he used transferred to them. The "right" is forced into this defensive libertarian type position against the enemy because of this. This also is used by the enemy since greater freedoms for us is greater freedoms for them. Generally until America unretards itself and knows to kill satan the moment he opens his mouth this is a matter of delaying the enemy from any big moves, IE fema camps and secret police massacres.


kill yourself demoralizer nigger. life under trump was 1000x better than shit biden. if your life is so rigged just end it all and stop shitting on us for trying to make it better

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Shemmycucks are getting redpilled



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shemmy used to be keyed until they lifted the ban on israel

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>be /pol/tard
>wake up
>trannies trannies trannies can't stop thinking about trannies
>go to /pol/ and post about how I hate trannies
>open porn website and search for Ella Hollywood or Natalie Mars
>go to sleep
>rinse and repeat
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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fake frogposter


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>knowing the names of (((pornstars)))


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Natalie Mars and Ella Hollywood are the most famous shemale pornstars though. I'd say they are household names.


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I've genuinely never heard of them. Maybe it's because I don't live in the west or use /pol/ much.


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Faggot alarm. Calling an execution squad rn

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