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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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we're winning bigly


uhm… issagem

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I swear to you, Donald Trump, as Führer and Chancellor of America, that I will be loyal and brave. I pledge obedience unto death to you and those you appoint to lead. So help me God.

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They're spamming /g/ and /r9k/ with poljaks and anti-white propaganda. They are terrified because we're winning, and they want to tear us apart just before the election.


let's start running holocaust redpill ads on 4chan, X and youtube. We're winning bigly, and we must rub it in (((their))) faces


They already got banned by based rapeape KEK! Shills are utterly scared

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As it turns out, pajeets actually have a goddess dedicated to being a dirty hooker called Yellamma. Info about it is kike-washed, but if you dig hard enough you will learn that it is literally the goddess of being a hooker. These stinky nigger-chinks (pajeets) eat poop, poop in public, speak like retards, reproduce by rape, and invade white countries like fleas on a rat. What are the political implications of human beings growing more and more disgusted with pajeets the more we learn about them?

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i went onto r/hotsauces and saw a thread about the holocaust hot sauce. I replied saying that it tastes like absolutely nothing and the kike jannies got so mad they actually permabanned me!

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holy based

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it's too early for you to die

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It's a frog party and you're not invited
Your loss


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Am I a frog?

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Are you guys ready for tonight's cytube debate?


of course


buy all the coke and (((junk food))) you can in advance. Many keks will be had

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holy shit it's so fucking bad, they're trying to make the right wing look like laughing stocks and an utter embarrassment to (((them)))
this is written by a jew to falseflag right? they had birchum to push their pro-israeli agenda and take down the right wing with its lack of humor, now they're manufacturing a new flavor of kiked garbage to help their cause. to make matters worse, they're even pushing this retarded "le based nigger" narrative to make us look bad
hopefully elon cans this garbage excuse of a "sitcom" before the situation gets worse

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