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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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cereanigger MUST be hanged

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should we have a blog board?


add /holocaustredpills/


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ill do this if some else agrees

we already have /qa2/ for politics though


add /int/


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It is with great rejoice that I announce the complete dismantlement of Operation Mouth Of The Lion. Several members (including the ring leader shblwarrior) have been arrested and are pending execution.

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my fellow ponders, please bask in the glory of this moment. there's not a soikike in sight, weab to crush our dreams, and our boards are pristine, green, froggy goodness from page one all the way down to 60.

however, one day in the dark, far flung future, our boarders will fall and the weab and soikike hordes will invade, turning our once prosperous pond into a murky brown shit-stain. Trumpflare will fail to manage the horde and we will be overtaken. In the end we will be exiled from our own home as it is sold off to the kikes for use in their blood rituals.

remember to appreciate this moment, for it will be lost some day. MAGAspeed my fellow patriots. WWG1WGA.

~ Q

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my breath stinks

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mossad doesn't like our redpills it seems


trumpflare took care of it
the kike that posted it is currently being skinned alive


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we are doing this while pumping a sodium hydroxide solution through his urethra and rectum
after we skin him alive we will put him in a tub of salt water for a few days, to make it sting like hell
then we will crush his femur bones with a hydraulic press
finally, we will put him in an oven, cooking him to death

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What would the ribbit rally world map look like?


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>Your political ideas you hold so much hollow pride in are just a desperate membership card
>to a clique of faceless people on the internet similar to you. You can't really bare to socialize like a healthy human being. You're so socially and perhaps cognitively compromised that you landed at the gas station bathroom of social groups being fringe ideologies. You're not revolting against the subversive roots of society by being obscure and reclusive, you're just locking yourself in your own bubble of mentally deranged insulated discussion on the internet, like some kind of alien trying to mimic something of real "discussions". Your ideas will never come to fruition. There is nothing waiting for you because you clutch onto this hollow identity. You can't recite any theory or books coherently. You're terrified of your opponents like a little stray dog. You've found a very elaborate way to waste your time, just like any other stupid person. It's all a protrusion of some internal disorder no one ever recognized in you because you're repulsive. Eject from your daydreams and actually attempt to have a life, maybe try therapy or something.

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Notice how BBC shilling completely dies down whenever it's Sabbath? I can't put my finger on it but there's something at play here…


really makes you think….

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