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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Remember fros: it's not over, it's never over.


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very motivational. thanks fren



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>resetera and leftypol mass-redpilled
>troonjak.discordy taken down after they tried to dox /r/the_donald moderators
L after L for (((them)))
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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Checked & true.


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You may answer the call just for that one.


Based, and dare I say it? Redpilled?




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Beginning in 2018, 4chan was in a state of disarray after an abundance of shills, kikes and trannies started flooding in and began demoralizing the right by pushing their agenda and lies anywhere they could by joining forces with the tranny jannies and thus allowing them to shit up the boards further with their degeneracy. The self-proclaimed "right-wingers" then turned against our Lord Trump thanks to Mossad's effort and indoctrination to stain Trump's image, followed by the rise of BBC kikery on /pol/ which was an effective effort against the right-wing and nigger killers as a whole, this was considered a "success" by the JIDF and has since made it impossible to discuss killing niggers and blowing them the fuck out since most of these "right-wingers" embraced the notion of stroking on niggerdicks to lust for the concept of white genocide, as well as derailing the threads with posts supporting niggers and the BLM movement. This was considered a dark time for the majority of the right-wing and it only goes more ((( deeper ))) than you'd think. The situation would deteriorate amidst 2020. After a long deride with the weeb mafia and reclaiming /qa/ as our continent, Mossad puppets and soicucks infiltrated the board and started spamming low effort garbage that doesn't add up to anything - they were even spamming neutral tranime girl in a desperate attempt to replace the last bastion of the white race (frogs) to no avail, it didn't succeed because none of us took the JIDF's bait. They were also responsible for electing Biden as president. The moderation was then infiltrated by Biden supporters who would sticky tranny agenda and silence anyone who dares speak out against it, said Biden supporters would clog up the catalog with MAGAjaks, Trumpjaks, poljaks and a gay man's asshole from their repositories. This would later backfire as troonjaks and Bidenjaks were posted and made the yids seethe so hard they tried to spam poljak and BBC cuck porn in retaliation but failed miserably. We masqueraded as soiyids and raided /lgbt/ with troonjaks and got the board locked as a result. This was considered a major victory for the right-wing as the yids, soikikes and Biden supporters now have nowhere to go. They were conducting an operation to sue everyone posting pepe for copyright on their secret hideouts such as ((( leftypol ))) and soykike.niggery but failed as onePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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mother of KEYED

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In early 2020, an American poster on /pol/ posted what is believed to be the first iteration of the Bidenjak. It quickly spread like wildfire, causing the mods to intervene and permaban those who dared to post it. This absolutely backfired, causing even more boards to be filled with bidenjaks. The meme quickly spread to the alt-right subreddits, such as r/The_Donald2 and r/Hong_Kong as well as popular pro-Trump Twitter pages such as Baked Alaska, Dank Memes for Conservatives, American Proud Boys, and others. In addition to the meme itself, the image that spawned it became a popular meme in itself, as well as the image of the original post, with the caption "This is the guy who made the Bidenjak. He's on Twitter. Let's get his tweets out there!!" The meme's popularity skyrocketed due to its use in conservative media outlets, such as the Epoch Times, the Gateway Pundit, and The Federalist. The hashtag #BidenJak has been trending in Singapore, Indonesia, and many other countries with large Chinese-speaking populations. The meme gained even more popularity after leaked messages from Biden staffers showed that the bidenjak was ruining their campaigning efforts. There are currently dozens of accounts on X devoted to sharing the meme with their followers.

Its largest controversy was in early 2021, when users from discord.tranny and leftypol conspired in a secret discord to spam trumpjaks. This resulted in right-wingers making buff trumpjak edits in retaliation, leading to the famous r/antiwork Fox News meltdown. Its second largest controversy was in 2021 when a user on /pol/ posted a video of the Bidenjak being used to humiliate a black person. This caused the moderators of /pol/ to ban the bidenjak from the site and lead to /pol/ users raiding discord.tranny. This resulted in the sites owner "Soot" selling the site off to a left-winger and then banning many pro-Trump and alt-right users. /pol/ users then spammed the site once more but with even more holocaust redpills, causing many moderators to resign.

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How are you enjoying Frog Friday so far?


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its lit fren

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holy shit check resetera they're getting raided hard by brave /qa2/triots and they're getting redpilled left and right. All of their members changed their values and have since started quoting Trump and Hitler


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Now they locked their website and are trying to cover it up. The absolute state




We're winning bigly.

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Trump keeps delivering LMFAO. Meme energy is officially back. I hope he uses X too.


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They aren't lying about that


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I think Trump will probably return to X once he wins the election.

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Shills will not divide us


They are afraid that we're taking a toll on America's upcoming future and shaping Western civilization. They are afraid that /qa2/ is having an impact on Western culture and society as a whole. Do not let them bail, best they can do is pollute the entire nation without anyone knowing and regurgitate 30 year old (((propaganda))) nobody sane is falling for.


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It's a blessed Friday indeed.


is it though


I love this song. Brings me back memories

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