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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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For every new thread here, a kike gets gassed.


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Trump won


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Well there is now

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So many demons bros


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yup. básed.


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This imageboard has potential, how do we make it grow


recruiting more patriots elsewhere we can and making sure they denounce the talmud



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Gas the Kikes


Race War Now

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>last post 8 hours ago

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a kike spammed us, so the posts might be out of bump order a bit


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if you werent antisemitic before you all should be now

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Q: What do you call a group of frogs?
A: An army.


This is true btw


can we get a trump-mandated fact check on this


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nQ wQy…

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How do we deal with the kikes trying to infiltrate our community?


Setting up adequate protection (like Trumpflare), dropping holocaust redpills, and denouncing the talmud.

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