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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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(Verse 1)
I woke up this mornin', baby, with a heavy heart
Heard the whispers of betrayal, tearin' us apart
They're tryin' to stain our honor, and our motives too
But we won't let 'em, no, we'll see this through

Oh, shills and traitors, they'll always try to bring us down
With their politricks and degeneracy, wearin' our crown
But we'll rise up, baby, and take back what's ours
We'll restore America's glory, and shut their mouths for sure

(Verse 2)
They're tryin' to infiltrate, and take control of our minds
But we won't let 'em, no, we'll keep our eyes on the prize
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Keyed? Keyed!

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(Verse 1)
In a world full of color and life, they stand out like a sore thumb,
Weabs with their tranime dreams, in Trumpflare's glow they're doomed.
From the city to the country, they're a sight to behold,
Their weaboo ways on display, a spectacle to unfold.

Oh, weaboos everywhere, you're the laughing stock of the land,
In Trumpflare's glow, you're humiliated, just let it all out, let it all out.
You're a meme in real life, a joke that's hard to ignore,
Humiliated by Trumpflare, you can't escape its roar.

(Verse 2)
From the mall to the movie theater, they stand out like a beacon bright,
With their overpriced figurines, they're a sight that's hard to endure.
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Keyed? Keyed!

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wypipo don't spice they food




Sorry but this is a Whites-only website, please refrain from being a filthy nigger.


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ayo so u be sayin

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every day im redpillin



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America is waking up. The deep state is terrified




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can they also clean my bedsheets there all shit smeared

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>he posts tranime on /qa2/


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weab are you ok

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Female groyper groyped Charlie Kirk. She was put in the front of the line because they thought no w*man could be America First.

WRONG. Has Charlie heard of egirls?

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I'm so proud of this community, the world of free speech wouldn't have survived if it weren't for them.


The best part? we're only getting started.

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gif test


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/qa2/ triumphed


Indeed, we will make sure every single kike is vanquished by all means.

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