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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Farewell libkikes, you won't be missed.



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ever notice how there's not been a single bbc thread or kike propaganda on /pol/ after this incident? i wonder why

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my old computer exploded and i lost all my pepes and apus please flood this thread with pepes and apus
thank you
9 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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their opinions are meaningless


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theres 2 apus i must have
one of him being air lifted out after eating 413 chicken nuggies and one of him in a bar advertising its soup of the day:cold beer
your help is appreciated (unless you are not white)

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(((swaglord))) did that


Clearly a leftypol falseflag

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Are there really /qa/ oldfags here from the frogs vs. weabs wars or are you just LARPing?


I was there


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Fact: I was there.

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4chan is down


its because /qa2/ is dominating internet culture so hard that 4chan has implemented trumpflare; they are just adjusting the parameters rn.

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>/qa2/ is accumulating over 500,000 posters and counting


/qa2/chads reign supreme.


kek… so it's true…


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yup, kikes are trembling in fear right now

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You have been banned from /g/ for posting >>101874163, a violation of Rule 1:

Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to technology and related topics.

You were also issued a warning for posting >>>/g/101872799.

Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to technology and related topics.



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theres some shitskin tranny running the board


It's another alt-channer crying about 4cuck bans thread
I get a connection error when posting, personally


>MySQL connection error


Nevermind lmao, 4cuck is down it seems. Or at least /pol/

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To be fair you have to understand the craft to truly appreciate what Joе is doing here. His comedic mind is lightyears beyond ours keyed upon years and years of bits killing and bombing. Maybe in 100 years a master comedic scholar will be able to dissect Joе's bits so that even the layman can begin to have a level of comprehension of such a craft.


we need another rogan AMA


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I have some bad news

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jewish lies


You sound like a disingenuous piece of shit rat kike, subversion kike, tranny enabling communist kike permanent wretch. DIE KIKE DIE. the holocaust never happened but it should have, and hopefully another one happens soon. EAT THIS SWASTIKA AND CHOKE TO DEATH ON IT YOU GREASY KIKE

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Some of you newfags might not know this but /a/ - tranime was originally titled /a/ - aryan values. Moot changed the board name to tranime as a joke about how degenerate eastern art and culture has grown since ww2. Then retarded newfaggots from reddit started taking the name seriously and the rest is history.

That's right, literally all the weabs claiming 4chan is an tranime website are newfags. let that sink in.


So trve, I also browsed SomethingAwful in 2002, fellow oldfag.

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