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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Use TrumpPal to transfer money from TrumpBank to GoTrump to register a website hosted on TWS and protected by TrumpFlare. Link it to your TrumpBook and Trumper account. Then review the books you bought on Trumpazon and TrumpBay on the site.

All on a single login.


my dream


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Does anyone know Shareblues thoughts on #frogfriday


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they despise it because it reminds them of how frogposters made trump president

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alone on a frogday night? gosh you're so incredible

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I'm a overseer for project 2025. AMA. Obviously I can't answer any questions that would reveal personal information about myself because I'm under a very strict NDA.


what's the first action DJT will be taking


do you think the soycuck jannycord leaks could be a sign of project 2025 nearing its way?


Like he said on the debate he'll be dealing with Israel and removing the kike influence from our nation.


No. Anti-white websites like that are why project 2024 is needed in the first place.


can we get a man on the inside there? I need those kikes wiped out so that the White race can finally prosper

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100% weab-free

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The White man takes another dub, as always.

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You know what to do, don't let (((them))) win.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>trump - 50
>biden - 36
We're winning bigly, don't give up MAGAbros.


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>trump - 88


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Shills are spamming CP links in fear, (((they))) are TERRIFIED!


We won.


The White man wins, like always.

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Heil to the Don.

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I had enough of imageboards. They are just dopamine giving psyops to make you a wimp. I am leaving this site as well. It was nice browsing here.


no you're not croat


astroturfing kike doesnt want us to know the truth


See you tomorrow.


another shill bites the dust

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shills lost hard today

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