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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Black lives splatter





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Holy shit guys, is the 'Ape /ourjanny/?

>doesn't do it for free

>free speech absolutist
>stood toe to toe with Vice media
>Sent a ricardo video to vice jornalists when asked for a comment
>fires leftoid jannies trying to censor speech
>created /qa2/, a /qa/ that's free of kikes, shills and cringe spammers
>lives rent free in /hap/ersons minds despite most of the community having never even heard of him.
>Is a vidya nerd

Literally name a better staff member.


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Remember when a bantoid suphuman posted a picture of himself in diapers instead of a trannyhou pic for one of his gay slide threads and rapeape stickied it for all to see? They still haven't fully recovered.


shareblue and ctr pumped millions into trying to make 4chan left-wing. And they got completely and utterly btfo by a fucking rapist ape kek

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should we do a cytube of the debate?


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>rare based anime comes out
>(((they))) try to cover it up


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I like older animes

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Trumpflare sends its regards. You can't outbeat it.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




That would sound better if it was not to the tune of shit and piss sloshing around in Trump's diaper



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Get fucked shill


>t.needs a diaper change

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Its sad knowing how many pyscho bunker troons exist trying every day of their worthless lives to 'take down' the chuds while we don't try at anything we do and keep winning
Hilarious kek

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The issue gained further bipartisan support last month, when Trump was asked during an interview ahead of the Libertarian National Convention if he would pardon Assange if he came to office.

“Well I’m going to talk about that today, and we’re going to give it very serious consideration,” he told podcaster Tim Pool - although he did not end up raising Assange at all during his speech.

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Red wave. Holy libshits btfo. How will demonrats ever recover from this?

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>Its like kiwiflare, sites that are banned from cloudfare now have a FOSS option they can set up and customize thereself. So its not so easy to ddos/etv a website and keep it down.
>Thats it thats all trumpflare is its some poorly coded jeet tier software that pretends its as useful as cloudfare. Cloudfare is like literally one of the mot important things for a website. If they banned you, you were really really fucked since everything else on the market was shit. That is till awhile ago, getting baned from cloudfare basically meant your website was as good as dead and would be kept offline easy as any tranny could fork over the tiny amount of money needed to ddo the site keeping it offline for ages.
Why are they deliberately spreading disinformation about Trumpflare in order to try and bring it down?


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where is this from


kikes hijacked /hap/ and said this, they fear us because they know what we know

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Who in the Biden family ISNT always on drugs?


the dead ones

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