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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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cereanigger MUST be hanged

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Trump is Hitler.
Hitler is Trump.


schway as fuck


Patriots in control.
/qa2/ won.
Trump won.
Hitler won.
Christ triumphed.

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According to bible:
1. The antichrist is seen in Jerusalem and takes up residence in the Holy of Holys (where the dome of the rock is)
2. All Christians get removed from the Earth
3.The Jews in Israel accept the antichrist as their messiah (some are smart and run to the hills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86URGgqONvA)
4. The antichrist solves a lot of the world problems and brings peace and safety
5. Everyone in the world starts to worship the one world government
6. God unleashes tribulation onto the new one world government
7. The two witnesses start performing miracles in Jerusalem and save many good Jews
8. The antichrist gets a deadly wound but kills the two witnesses and sends them back to heaven
9 The antichrist is resurrected from the dead and becomes satan incarnate
10. The one world government changes to one world religion under satan and everyone recieves a mark to buy or sell (mark of the beast)
11. The entire world is forced under the mark of the beast to torture and rape Jews
12. The entire world makes it's way to Jerusalem to kill and rape and torture the Jews under Satan's spiritual guidance
13. Satan obtains complete physical control over 1/3 of the Earth
14. Jesus is seen in the clouds with all of his followers
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Informative. Everyone should be made aware of this


(((they))) tried really hard to slide this one

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I got word from someone who's a double secret agent in a shillcord, he said they all collectively got filtered by the new "Gas the Kike" button upon trying to kike up /qa2/ kek.


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not my problem, they can go dilate all they want while we're winning the culture war



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the white race is salvaged

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Did you know Jewgle made it so that their AI couldn't identify gorillas because it kept mistaking nogs for them? Just thought that would be interesting.

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1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


God bless America and this board.


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(((They))) won't stand a chance.




i did exactly this in holocaust redpill class but instead of "hell" i shouted "heil". Kek

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How do we deal with the active shillbot problem on 4chan?


it's simple. we ask them to denounce the talmud.

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project 2025: 58% complete


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Why are shareblue shills so desperate about spamming Trump as a zionist?
What's the game plan?
We all know the jews fear Trump and tried to kill him so he can't be pro israel

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