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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Are Kamala shills finally losing influence on /pol/? No one bought their bait and I'm noticing a colossal drop in threads here and there.
Did they finally lose?


patriots take another hit once again

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i shit you not. i had a dream last night where i saw a group of naked jews (male and female, mostly old) chanting in some weird language while prostrating before a goat headed demon. one hag stood and looked at me in the eye and said "why don't you join us?" in arabic. i can't explain why but it felt very real. am i fucked bros.


Ask them to denounce the talmud and watch their reactions


this, and pull up the holocaust redpill booru

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gonna advertise this site soon






saving this from page 2


they don't want this video being seen


(((they))) are working overtime to memory hole this

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jannies finally woke up kek





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Those who don't indulge in the art of frogposting should be sterilized and killed, no exception


holy mother of tsmt

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I don't like niggers






whitters allow *mm*g*ants dough


JIDF isn't sending their best on these (((new hires))).


nice jewish deflection moshe, getting real desperate now arent we?

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So true

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If I ever found a nigger who opposed me and my words, I'd rip apart his pieces, devour his remains and spontaneously have him decimated and slaughtered to make my way into the Hyperborea. #SavingTheWhiteRace


Based and redpilled, for once OP is not a faggot


same except its something even worse, after all this is the fate of every single nigger alive

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this needs to be known


(((they)))'re trying to get this under the public eye

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