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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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today I tried to introduce my teacher to the holocaust redpill booru. Turns out she was already a keyed kike slayer like me and had 500 posts there!
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keyed. Have a redpill fren


last i remember of this booru was its comments getting flooded by a bot






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Keep on exposing Kier "6-pointed Star"-mer

much kek! such win.

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Choose wisely




The answer is obvious

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Yeah I'm thinking we're dominating western culture

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is Handsome Truth (Goyim Defense League) /ourguy/
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




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Looks like the average nusoixitterbaby that joined in '24


yeah glow hole here


does he make 6 million jews cry THOUGH

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ed.win user here.

Is everything can burn down ed.gay?


Die, soykike.


>connection reset whenever i try to visit the site
Ipgrabber award


>soicvck's desu

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He's still with us, right?


dont think he knows about trr yet


Try contacting him and see what gives


ill try and hopefully he takes the redpill and comes here


unfortunately he went cold turkey on imageboards, he told me he's focusing on his X right now and redpilling the masses


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He posted on the >>>/vip2/ board last friday

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The anti-frog sentiment on weab boards has gone too far


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how can we deal with this

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So /qa2/, I had something in mind
My co-worker has been for the past couple of days boasting about voting for Kabbalah Kamala and he's considering laying me off if I refuse, I feel like redpilling him but I also don't want to upset him and get fired from my job for rejecting multiculturism and globohomo

Any business inquiry to overcome this?


ask him to denounce the talmud


kamablah lied about sleepy sleepy joe


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Convince him to join the winning side and to follow our based ways.

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