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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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cereanigger MUST be hanged

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How do we deal with the active shillbot problem on 4chan?


it's simple. we ask them to denounce the talmud.

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project 2025: 58% complete


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Why are shareblue shills so desperate about spamming Trump as a zionist?
What's the game plan?
We all know the jews fear Trump and tried to kill him so he can't be pro israel

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itt keyed reddit posts


Hitler worked with spics and Japs though.


jewish lies


Axis doe


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Honorary Aryans.

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My new /qa2/ merch came in the mail today


holy mother of all based, kikes must be seething real hard today


Wear this at a public demonrat rally and watch the seethe unfold.


do this OP. it'll be glorious


kek this


Least keyed Pokemon fan

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For every new thread here, a kike gets gassed.


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Trump won


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Well there is now

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So many demons bros


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yup. básed.


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This imageboard has potential, how do we make it grow


recruiting more patriots elsewhere we can and making sure they denounce the talmud



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