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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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I'm new here, can someone tell me what this place is all about?
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weab honeypot, check catty


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trumpflare was disabled for a bit and (((they))) infiltrated moderation, all of that has been taken care of already


Jewish lies.


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JIDF hard at work today I see.


>(((they))) infiltrated moderation
so weab honeypot

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Anti-black meme going viral on X. /qa2/ is winning bigly and redpilling the masses.
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just checked the quotes of this post and (((they))) are kvetching and dilating real hard right now, the magic of duke is working
god bless /qa2/ and this imageboard. praise kek


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>this app is fucking doomed, where did all the incels come from!!


Why are (((they))) like this?




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Found a fellow /qa2/triot on X


Yup, we're winning bigly. Kikes are seething real hard as we speak


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Does anyone remember how in 2020 /qa/ was the only space on the internet where you could express right-wing thoughts without getting banned? Now all normies are getting redpilled en masse.

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The upcoming episode of the New Norm will name the jew I'm calling it right now.
Imagine the seethe it generates.


proof that /qa2/ is dominating internet culture

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A toast, to all my brave /qa2/triots.


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it sure has been an honor
i'm so grateful for you retards
praise kek


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do this



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new frogs




Post more OP. These are great.

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Thank God for Elon Musk and his shitpost memes
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we're awaiting an answer from elon
he probably knows when


Elon Musk sucks China's penis


Jewish lies


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I'm pretty sure they banked on Musk funding future episodes but it didn't work out


Don't get cocky about it. Chinks are Jews

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TL;DR: /qa2/ is straight up dominating western culture and spreading right-wing values at an amazing rate


Everyone should be informed of their falseflagging tactics they're pulling right now trying to subvert our culture.
They're not one of us, these are kike falseflaggers and they get paid 6 gorillion shekels to pull off these falseflags (while having a disdain for the site).

This needs to be known to the public.


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This. Don't forget one of their posts used niggerspeak, which goes to show how much they get paid to deploy these shill posts

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