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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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cereanigger MUST be hanged

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>be /pol/tard
>wake up
>trannies trannies trannies can't stop thinking about trannies
>go to /pol/ and post about how I hate trannies
>open porn website and search for Ella Hollywood or Natalie Mars
>go to sleep
>rinse and repeat
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fake frogposter


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>knowing the names of (((pornstars)))


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Natalie Mars and Ella Hollywood are the most famous shemale pornstars though. I'd say they are household names.


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I've genuinely never heard of them. Maybe it's because I don't live in the west or use /pol/ much.


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Faggot alarm. Calling an execution squad rn

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>alt right
>far right
>hate symbol

I can feel the seething from journokikes

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I decided to make it redirect to this site. After the weabs hacked my site, and the soicucks stole the GETs i realized that the fight was not worth it, and that we must ally together.

I denounce the talmud, the weab mafia, and troonjak.discordy
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brothers all in one


no more brother wars


no more brother wars


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idk why you was against us in the first place but as long as the shitstorm is over that's fine by me

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Fuck the Talmud
Fuck the Jews
Fuck sleepy joe Biden
Fuck Ron DeShabbos
Fuck Mike Pence
Fuck the Rothschilds
Fuck the British Royal family
Fuck Barack Hussein Obama
Fuck crazy hillary
Fuck Bill Clinton
Fuck Bill Gates
Fuck Fauci
Fuck Pfizer
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Off by two but it doesn't mean that Trump didn't win.


Ваsеd Ben does it again.


Ben sometimes draws like he is a furry because some of his comics look like that.

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>200 pages
>not a single kikespam in hindsight
We just keep winning

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how did you find The Ribbit Rally?


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It was posted in desu/meta/ (as a bunker) while frog pond was gone


I found the site through yandex looking for keyed MAGA image boards

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What AI was the 3d laughing pepe made with
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churroshit thread DNI



i aint reading allat nusoicaca niggerbabble




kikerosoft made this?

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The blepekike website got spammed with tranny porn and then nuked.


we can't stop winning



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Projecting globalism and faggotry over the most beautiful architecture in world. TKD cannot come soon enough


I wish the holocaust really happened so we don't have to deal with their kikery anymore.

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A lot of newfags are getting redpilled en masse, we just can't stop winning.


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/qa2/ prevailed


isn't it funny how they're psyopped into "raiding" us by the JIDF only to end up getting redpilled by our powerful infrastructures


Unfathomably keyed.
Doomers BTFO

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