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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Meme war veteran here, can anyone tell me how the "Question & Answer" board turned into "Business Inquiries"? I quite don't get it.


RapeApe decided to purge /qa/ after he saw it was getting infested with the worst kinds of parasites (BBC spammers and 07th raiders from trannycord). The /lgbt/ catalog being spammed with troonjaks was the straw that broke the camel's back, 2 years later /qa2/ would come into fruition and he made it more politics-focused. That's how "Business Inquiries" came to be, and ever since then we've been influencing internet culture and combating kikes and shills left and right, and making (((them))) suffer for (((their))) lives.

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Do you guys remember when Trump hosted an AMA on /pol/ and it made kikes, shills, and trannies seethe so hard that they tried to take down the site with copyright claims, even going as far as to file a lawsuit on the posters? This all happened in like 2019, their attempts didn't even go through because one of Hiro's maintainers already installed an automated DDoS protection, as well as multiple security measures, to prevent it from being wrecked. Much to their dismay, they all flocked to /qa/ and started spamming threads begging mods to delete /pol/, they were getting BTFO every time and we were even posting holocaust redpills in their threads. Eventually, RapeApe had to come in and tell them to "fuck off", and started banning them afterwards. The mafioso from their spinoff and irc saw what was going on and decided to side with the kikes by falseflagging as one of them, they were, however, quickly dogpiled with an avalanche of frogs and Hitler speeches, so much that they started writing very long paragraphs seething about le ebil froagposters while dilating. All of the kike subverters have since given up and surrendered to /pol/chads haunting their every presence. Tucker Carlson interviewed one of them on live television and they were being humiliated from embarrassment.
They have never recovered since then, they realized that attacking us gives us more power. They were doing our bidding like slaves, we've been redpilling everyone left and right. It's a foolish act to disrupt us as we're not vulnerable to their misdeeds in any way. We will dominate internet culture and have the normgroids awoken by the redpills, it's going to be priceless.
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>mafioso from their spinoff and irc saw what was going on and decided to side with the kikes by falseflagging as one of them
I just suddenly remembered this, Shareblue raiders were vehemently anti-tranime so they didn't take it too well.
Albeit despite this, the weebs just kept going and creating artificial falseflag anti-/pol/ threads until we set them off along with said Shareblue raiders. Funny how easy it is to trigger them.


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>(((they're))) here


they're memoryholing this


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water drinkers be like "I'm drinking water"


They actually do this


nobody does this


everybody does this


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know your place, shills

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just found out what trannies mean when they say they want to rape children


I'm sorry anon…

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Just another day BTFOing kikes infesting imageboards. We're winning hard.


How does /qa2/ do it fros… those kikes are seething in vain real hard rn.


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vance won the MAGA bowl II tickets

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I be postin' frogs n' I don't give a damn
Jannies be slippin'
Jannies be trippin'
Jannies be bannin'
But I wake up n' change proxies
With less than the cost of chargin'
Jan jan be workin' harder every day
To clean up them frogs
But it just ain't workin'
Damn I wonder why
We're all thrivin'
We're all drivin'
We're the frogchads baby, we're unbeatable
No matter how much dilators you have equipped
Frog's always risin'
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this is a good song


Someone sing this






thank you this song goes very hard love from Kyrgyzstan i hate jannie so much it is unreal

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is picrel /qa2/ approved?




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