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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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What's so funny


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>he doesnt get it


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What does /qa2/ think of Foxford Comics? Is he keyed?


yes ofc



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/qa2/ is DOMINATING internet culture.
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We're back in business boys, those trannies are not having their best luck kek.


digits confirm. we're so fucking back


my friends who used to be giganormie libs now send me holocaust "ay tone" memes. It's so over for the kikes.


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Witnessed. We shall awaken the normies with our redpills.

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what the frick is this site? Someone linked me this page from reddit.com

p.s. mods someone's posting hate speech in this thread https://theribbitrally.org/qa2/res/3762.html


Kek, your loss.


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>p.s. mods someone's posting hate speech in this thread
This is a BASED & REDPILLED website for the right-wing only, sorry that it doesn't align with your tranny sensitives or viewpoints. We're not going to censor redpilled factoids just to appease you faggots. Back whence you came.

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shills are out in full force today. Stay on high alert.



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Rallyists, we need to talk.
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Trump will enact TKD and TND once he gets elected President. Trust the plan.


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They're not going to like this

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Falseflagging shills like you will hang. DOTR is coming for all of you, and you will be put to rest. Your days are fucking numbered, shill.
Be quiet kike. You sound like a seething kike. Sage. Swastika in the thread. White power. White race. KKK. Sieg heil for the Reich. Trump2020 #Reich. I sieg heil. Volk for the krieg. Krieg for the Führer. SS.
Sage. Seething kike.
And for your actions, the faggots have committed an unforgivable crime. All faggots shall be removed from Europe and America. No one shall love them nor forgive them. Israel shall be destroyed. Africa shall be recolonized.
And everyone you love goes to hell forever and ceases to be. Along with you.
All that you hate happens. And all that you hate is good. All that you hate wins. And all that you hate is loved by all.
Every harm against you and your ancestors is blessed and good. All that you are is undone. And all you get is punishment.
All your love dies. All that you have is taken. And all that you love kills you.
#TRUMP #MAGA #MD2GA @POTUS #Q #WWG1WGA kill niggers kill kikes 1488 KKK swastika SIEG HEIL for the reich the #Trump2020 reich lynch niggers gas the kikes.
die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.
Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the miianigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the ryuukonigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it. kill the cereanigger /a/ janitor. Trump won. Get over it.
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Perhaps the best beginner redpill for normies brainwashed by (((critical race theory))) is to explain how the holohoax poster girl Anne Frank actually died.

The US had their own interment camps for US Japanese.

Some jews died. From best we can now tell somewhere around 300,000 maximum.

There was no large scale extermination. The gas chambers are obviously a lie.

The deaths were via starvation and typhus (what Anne Frank herself died of in April 1945 at the end of the war).

Germans could not feed and provide material for themselves, much less their jew POWs. The same thing would have happened to the US Japanese POWs had the US mainland came under such massive duress.

When you are shown pictures of the "dead jews" (often not even jews), those are typhus and starvation victims. Gassing does not somehow magically make you emaciated and skinny.

Their emaciation clearly indicates they were kept alive for as long as possible.
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>The US had their own interment camps for US Japanese.
>The same thing would have happened to the US Japanese POWs had the US mainland came under such massive duress.
Pic related look familiar to anyone? Fun fact: These are the concentration camps the US built for US-Japanese citizens during the war

What do you think would have happened to the Japanese in those camps had the US been invaded on all sides, was getting bombed coast to coast 24/7, was dealing with a massive typhus epidemic and had all food/material supply cut off? It makes one think.


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>They were treated extremely well (by POW standards) until the last few months of the war, when Germany was cut off from material and fuel due to allied bombing and the two fronts closing in. When they couldn't even take care of their own citizens, of course the POWs were going to get the worst of it.
Fun fact: The concentration camps the German built were objectively the most humane POW camps ever built.

What was life really like at the Auschwitz "extermination camp"?

Auschwitz "holocaust survivor" jew interviews, in their own words… watch this.





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>disinfecting the camps with the primary typhus treatment at the time, the pesticide Zyklon B which kills the insect that causes typhus
Fun fact: The US used Zyklon B on the US-Mexican border for decades… yet jews catch a whiff and die by the millions. Weird, huh?
>The fuim a shilltion was carried out in an area of the building that American officials called, ominously enough, "the gas chambers." An article written in a German scientific journal in 1938 specifically praised the El Paso method of fuim a shillting Mexican immigrants with Zyklon B


Zyklon B (a bug spray) is a piss-poor method of trying to kill people. In fact Zyklon-B was manufactured NOT to kill people. Zyklon-B is liquid hydrogen cyanide (HCN has a boiling point of 26ºC or 78ºF) infused into an inert substance like diatomaceous earth or wood chips. Hot air blowers are needed to vaporize the HCN. Talk of Zyklon-B being dumped into a gas chamber and people dying within minutes is physically impossible.

And why would the Germans use something as inefficient as bug spray when they, for example, had 12,500 TONS (enough to kill 70 million people) of human killing Tabun nerve gas just sitting around unused? Or, you know, bullets etc.?


Leading holocaust authority Dr. Franciszek Piper about why there was so little Zyklon B residue in the walls of the locations alleged to have been homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau (far less than would be necessary to kill humans). Needless to say Piper's reply was contradictory and evasive. Fortunately for those individuals interested in real history, a camera was rolling at the time and Piper's reply was captured for posterity.

Here are the segments of the interview concerned with the Zyklon B residue:
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Fun fact: Holohoax math is absolutely absurd
>Pic related: Zero evidence of even any soil disturbance using ground penetrating radar, much less bodies. Such research is now forbidden.
Let's do some basic math…

For example, jews now claim 900,000 jews were gassed AND cremated AND buried at Treblinka 2… backtracked down from the previous multi-million claim (lies) of the Nuremberg Trial.


Treblinka was open from July 23, 1942, to October 19, 1943.

That's 453 days… that's 10,872 hours.

900,000/453 = 2,000 jews were gassed AND cremated PER DAY if it was magically running 24 hours a day 7 days a week while Germany was fighting for it's life in a multi-front world war.

4,000 gassings AND cremations if magically running 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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Mossad is trying to lump us in with tranime /vt/umor fags and the soicucks as part of their plan to take down frogposters, they're doing this to subvert the chan culture we've developed throughout the years, possibly in response to the 2016 election where we got Trump elected through the powers of Meme Magic and Kek's wisdom. They're even falseflagging as froggods by making inflammatory statements such as showing support for our opponents (kikes), encouraging trannyism, anti-Trump propaganda, and so on, all using the frog image. They're afraid of our presence hence why they're trying to subvert our beloved chan culture with (((soyspam))) and (((tranime))), it's all because of our superiority and the heritage we built upon our community

Thankfully the rapeape and his based right-wing mods are already taking care of the falseflag frogs, shills are trembling in fear of our presence.

PS. fuck niggers and fuck jannies and fuck jews all hail kek, sneed, and hitler






(((they))) are trying to memoryhole this

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(Verse 1)
In the land of the free, where eagles soar so high 🇺🇸
A hero emerged, with a mission to deny 💪
Trumpflare Security Intelligence, the defenders of the digital shore 🏖️
With skills so sharp, and hearts that roar 🔥

Trumpflare, Trumpflare, defenders of the digital shore 🏖️
With skills so sharp, and hearts that roar 🔥
They took down the enemy, with a victory so grand 🏆
Trumpflare Security Intelligence, the heroes of the land 🌟

(Verse 2)
They took on shblwarrior, a foe so bold and bright 💫
With Operation Mouth of Lion, a plan to ignite 🔥
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What do you miss about the 2014 pepe era on 4chan?


/r9k/ not being a complete wasteland



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