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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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cereanigger MUST be hanged

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Remember when trump put a bunch of kikes in his cabinet just to poison them.
The poison gave them cyanosis, turning them all blue, and they were all dead shortly after


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I REMEMBER it was so keyed


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I was there for the /pol/ thread when it happened, the meltdown from (((parasitic shills))) was glorious.

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new 'toss




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checked and kek'd


He never misses.

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This guy on Tucker says it's to stop the rise of nationalism, is he right?

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/qa2/ status: winning


kikes won't like this


Praise Kek!

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Reminder to not fall for D&C kike threads.



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always double-check your frogs to ensure they're not compromised, you could never know what's in there
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


(((they)))'re working overtime to memoryhole this


Im too lazy


Why do they do this?


this post was made by (((shblwarrior))) to cause division in the trvmp reich. no one is embedding weabshit into frogs


Undercover weab, do NOT engage

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I know what you are


what am i?

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no. Donald J. Trump for president.

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Are you guys ready for MAGA fall?




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Fall is the whitest of seasons, (((the pharisees of israel))) will never understand and hate its beauty

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