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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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(((they))) are scared


Our fuhrer and GOD Trump has been saved. (((They))) are pissing (((themselves))) KEKAROOOO

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2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


'cord website


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of course they are predditors.


lol they got fucked over hard
so THIS is the power of soikikes?


Churros larp as trannies but im not so sure its a larp anymore

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I'm proud to have contributed to the Western Brotherhood.



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Wait what's happening


(((they))) had a meltie over /hrp/ and tried to raid us. unsurprisingly trumpflare blocked it completely

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It's Sunday
Go to church
Pray to God
That all subhuman non-whites die


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i want all the subhuman niggers be exiled from this country


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Christ is King.
Praise be God.
Freedom will Prevail.

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damn what set off the kikes this time, why are they failraiding us


no clue but thankfully they all got filtered by trumpflare so we shouldn't panic for now


what happened? i wasn't around



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Be on the lookout for any shills making obvious glowposts. My sources tell me (((they))) will try to stage a mass shooting and blame it on theribbitrally and other pro-freedom pro-white websites as a means of distracting from the Trump shooting and the debate.



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(((They))) just tried raiding us, but it never went anywhere as (((they))) all got filtered by Trumpflare in less than a minute, once again proving that we're really unbeatable.

We send our regards.




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Coincidence? These are the same people who want to bring us down because of what we've brought to humanity and due to the fact these people lack critical thinking skills and only heed what their (((overlords))) say to them. Many such cases!

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