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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Top tier – among the best forums of their kind online:
/vr/, /diy/, /qa2/, /pol/

High tier – discussion is often helpful and interesting, quality original content:
/ic/, /i/, /cgl/, /out/, /n/, /3/, /wg/

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>high tier


>/c/, /cm/, /y/, /h/, /d/, /e/ mid tier
kys tranime faggot


Post has been edited.


thanks bot



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#SHADOWPREZ won. Donald J. Trump has successfully destroyed the demoncratic party. 12 more years.


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Why does he have that shirt?


he stole it back when we raided troonjak.discordycon and starting kekking at the attendees, causing them to meltdown so hard they actually killed themselves

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Hello, older ladypede here


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>the cp spamming soikike got filtered by trumpflare again


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Soikikes, not even once

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Sup bitches


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checked and keked

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curb stomp a nigga tonight



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It's friday in my country


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no way

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There's weabshit in our promised land's catalog.




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Looks like Trumpflare took care of it already. Our protection becomes powerful by the day and there's no denying it.


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it's been taken care of


I kneel.

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there's weabshit on the catalog and no one has noticed
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kys weab


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how ya like that weab?


yup. keyed. they won't be recovering from this one



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new 'toss


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keyed ben does it again


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Why are weabs like this?

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