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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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What's the final solution to the (((/qaz/))) question?


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we gas the kikes who astroturfed it to hell and back


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>deep state instantly got filtered by trumpflare while attempting to kike up TRR


based trumpflare

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remenber when us /qa2/triots spammed holocaust redpills on all the sharty cytubes so hard that the FDL had to ban the ones not owned by (((them))), so (((they))) could remove the all redpills, and claimed it was because of cp


kek I was there. They were running damage control ops the other day and were silencing anyone even talking about it.


yup, it was legendary


(((Froot))) was also the one who put blacked porn ads on a 16+ site (even tho it’s more like 12+)


remember when we purposely told shartyteens to raid our cytube? After we locked the chat and started playing europe: the last battle, the thread quickly filled up with holocaust redpills and they decided to permaban everybody who had posted in the thread. Many were redpilled that day and some are even famous on right-wing X now

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Trumpflare saves the day again!


/qa2/ triumphed


Trump should make a Great McDonald's party.


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It's hilarious how hard they've been trying to subvert chan culture with their army of democratic eunuchs, only to get filtered by our lingo and our culture. They haven't made any progress since, guess that's what happens when you try to poke the nest. Funny isn't it?


Kikes were kvetching hard over the GET yesterday if you ever saw that coming, it was fucking glorious.

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what's with the sudden influx of shills today


They're jealous of our success, pathetic display right here.


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literally this. they have to resort to falseflagging and slanderous lies to save face for themselves.


is the mossad really that desperate and pathetic


It's either a guy baiting others for fun or an idiot.
It's both.

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Leave it to Trumpflare to take care of these reckless shills attempting to breach security, it's not over.


This must be the talmudic loophole where they can hire goyim to type in "yes" without incurring karmic debt


(((they))) are trying to get this out of the public's eye


(((they))) are working overtime to send this to the abyss


(((they))) are sneaking this under our noses

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/qa2/ is dominating internet culture
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


(((they))) got so scared that (((they))) shut down the site


shblwarrior made this thread, kill yourself, shblwarrior
(This post is a (((Shareblue))) falseflag)


garbage site just back out


it shuts down every 3 seconds and (((cloudflare))) keeps shitting itself


Oh, shit. I knew this would happen.

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Just realized tomorrow is Friday, what are you all packing this Frog Friday /qa2/?


I will post the bluepill that will turn every chud. EVERY. SINGLE. CHUD. Into a tgirl
(D&C kike)


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Shut the fuck up, kike.
Your pathetic "reverse psychology" bullshit is a last resort, and only speaks to your prior failures to run narrative on this board.
Once again, you're too fucking intellectually inferior and lazy for this level of propaganda at this stage in the game, neanderkike nigger.
You have nothing left, and you can't win once this goes violent.
yer fucked


Get your ass in kitchen. Sorry, everyone. My man forgot to take pills today. That's why he writes this.

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Cats on the 'log


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