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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Why is the JIDF so bad at falseflagging




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Is this why they're lying them off?

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What a terrible night, I think I need me some Trumpie bear to comfort me.


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The wind whispered… through the forest.
A storm is coming… you can not defeat the storm.
From the trees… rose a resounding voice.
I fear nothing. I come when the Trumpet sounds. I am the storm. The great American grizzly.

Introducing the original Trumpy Bear. The fearless, super plush, American grizzly. Trumpy Bear was born June 14, Flag day. Just find the secret zipper and pull out the flag blanket, then wrap yourself in the red, white and blue for comfort and warmth. Show your patriotism and proudly display Trumpy on flag day and on any American holiday. Trumpy can even honor your own family heroes.
>"God bless America and God bless Trumpy Bear."
Trumpy Bear sits proudly at the front of the motorcycle for all the world to see and loves to cruise with his brother.
>"I'm a former Marine and I'm proud to have Trumpy Bear ride by my side. Once a Marine, always a Marine."
Everyone knows Trumpy Bear loves to go to the golf course.
>"When I ride with Trumpy Bear he makes my golf game great again! Thank you Tumpy Bear!"
Simply style his trademark hair and place him in his favorite chair, even the toughest guys will love Trumpy Bear.
>"When America's great business is great. When business is great I'm great. I love you Trumpy Bear!"
>"I am an Army veteran. I am proud to own the Trumpy Bear and I will always be proud to be an American."


Thank you Trumpy bear.

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Breaking News: Tech Mogul David Goldstein Acquires Controversial Imageboard The Ribbit Rally

In a stunning development in the tech world, billionaire entrepreneur David Goldstein has announced his acquisition of the infamous imageboard The Ribbit Rally. Known for its anonymous user base and a history of controversial Trump-supporting content, The Ribbit Rally is set to undergo significant changes under its new ownership.

David Goldstein, who made his fortune in the tech industry with a series of successful startups, expressed his vision for transforming The Ribbit Rally into a more regulated and user-friendly platform. "The Ribbit Rally has always been a place for free expression, but it’s time to strike a balance between freedom and responsibility," Goldstein stated in a press release. "We want to maintain the essence of what makes The Ribbit Rally unique while ensuring it’s a safer and more welcoming environment for all users."

Sources close to Goldstein reveal plans for new moderation policies, improved community guidelines, and enhanced tools to report and manage abusive content. Additionally, there are rumors of potential partnerships with major tech companies to integrate advanced AI for monitoring posts and ensuring compliance with the new standards.

The reaction from The Ribbit Rally's user base has been mixed. While some users welcome the changes, hoping they will improve the platform's reputation, others fear that increased regulation will stifle the site's traditionally freewheeling spirit.

Industry analysts are watching closely to see how this acquisition will impact both The Ribbiy Rally’s user engakeyedent and its influence on internet culture. As one of the internet's most notorious communities, The Ribbit Rally's future under David Goldstein’s leadership is sure to be a topic of intense interest and debate.

Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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Is this true?


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I hope not. Otherwise we're fucked.


David Goldstein is an avid Trump supporter who lives in New York City. He has the honor of being the first X user to be locked out for using the n-word, but he's back now. He also hosts several podcasts. He's /ourguy/


here come the shills …


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Seems keyed, I think I'm letting that kike out of the oven.
We're so fucking back!

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Older lady-pede here. A year ago, I browsed reddit houseplant and recipe subs. Thanks to you I quit and am now browsing The Ribbit Rally wanting to learn how to redpill normies on the holocaust. True story.


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Checked and based.


ily muriel


perverted soikike falseflag

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Are we getting raided?
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I don't care if weabs raid this board , all true patriots moved to >>>/vip2/ and as I speak that board has reached 3,251 concurrent users and surpassed 75k posts just 3 days after its opening. So far there have been zero soicuck weab garbage there thanks to the board's efficient way of detecting shitskins and kikes.


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>they're already posting naked tranime girls
I can't take this shit anymore.


it's all gone now


Thank Christ.


I kneel

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TrumpFlare is right and always has the final say.

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frogbros?? is this a W or an L?


W, we are redpilling billions.


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i'm indifferent thoughever however though



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i am very much thankful for all my /qa2/frens


truer words never spoken before


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