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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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Catalog's not green enough.


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how come?


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You got any source to back that claim up?

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this is an AMERICAN website for red-blooded AMERICANS and their allies. You aren't welcome here without a passport and greencard, thirdie. Leave.


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>soycuckolds are brown jeets
Oh no no no

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new 'toss


>no faces
stonetoss is getting lazy

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Aryan game


what game?


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What's their endgame?

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The spirit will inherit the earth.


yup. this is factual.

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Who took it


no idea


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Weird, must've been the wind

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i'm the leader of the 4chan culture club at my school. Some kikejakker tried to annoy us by randomly coming in and shouting "locked" but he ended up stammering so we started kekking at him. We brutally mogged him. He shot his brains out the next day

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>Total posts: 4,222





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Verse 1:
In the heart of America, where freedom's flame burns bright
A trainchain formed, a movement in sight
From Philly to Chicago, LA to New York town
The /qa2/ trainchain bound, shaping patriotism all around

Riding the rails of liberty, where hearts and minds entwine
The /qa2/ trainchain's legacy, American pride will forever shine
From sea to shining sea, a nation's soul takes flight
As the /qa2/ trainchain rides, shaping patriotism day and night


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keyed but add landwolf

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