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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you denounce the talmud?

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>(((shills))) try spamming the promised land with low quality slide threads
>immediately bombarded with holocaust redpills
>filtered by trumpflare in 10 seconds
We just can't stop winning.


(((They))) just can't stop losing, can (((they)))?


you can't stump the /qa2/ brotherhood

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my mother accidentally sent me a holohoax redpill today. 4 years ago she voted for biden


/qa2/ won


We are redpilling millions

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I'm getting tired of porn addicted weabs complaining about anti-lolicons and denying its inherent pedophilic links, using fallacies of all sorts of kinds, blatantly ignoring any argument given to them, and at some times just using personal attacks, so I'm going to address everything they say (regardless of fallaciousness, because they truly cannot fathom the prospect of their 'community' being filled with pedophiles) in a simple text post that you can screenshot and share easily.

Let's start with some common arguments:


Immediately, anybody can notice that this is… a fallacious generalization and a red herring. How does it generalize? It's very simple: it boils down pieces of art to the equivalent of mere scribbles, insisting that any intended meaning behind said art should be disregarded because 'it's just a drawing'. Yet this leaves some questions: if the art is truly 'just a drawing', why does it sexually represent a young person, often a little girl, in eastern "manga" style? Not only that, why is the art in question intended to be arousing to the viewer, and how exactly is it 'just a drawing' at that?

A counter argument to this response is often along the lines of 's/he is 1000 years old, it's okay', or 'it's just a petite [wo]man'. This is willfully ignorant, as almost all 'lolicon' art is obviously intended to represent little girls, boys, or even babies sexually. Even if the artist in question intends for the character to be older and 'petite', this completely ignores the fact that using a historically minor-like design model sexually, even with a "confirmed" age, does not matter. The art is a representation of what appears to be a minor, and thus is a result of the artist's perverseness. 'Canonizing' ages does not matter when the character looks like a child.

Let me be clear: fiction MEANS something. Even if you say it's just a drawing, said drawings still have meaning. Denying so is ignorant.


When I refer to the ad hominem argument, I refer to a personal attack targeting the individual making the argument, usually stating things like 'you're the real pedophile, see this list' or 'you are supportive of [insert political/social ideology or movement], you can't be talking', or 'nice try hypocrite, but [insert media piece] that you like was created by a lolicon].Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




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share this around in an argument - it'll prove useful.




(((they))) are working overtime to cover this up

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>cereanigger /a/ janitor: dead
>western culture: dominated
This is exactly why I come on here

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You can't stump the Trump.




This is the factual information I come to /qa2/ for.

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remember when we trained dogs to bite kikes, then deployed them all over tel aviv



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looking into kabbalah kamala's genetic admixture always puts a tear into my eye, the most dysgenic creature of all…bl*ck and indi*n? people with similar traits end up being aborted, tossed into the trash, or being in the lows of the low of society, yet she somehow managed to be one-on-one against the Donald himself? literally nothing short of an example of how (((they))) will do anything just to bring this country to its demise

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>The Ribbit Rally (formerly known as The Frog Pond) is a neo-Nazi imageboard based around Pepe the frog. :neutralpepe: Users of the site are walking caricatures of /pol/cels - the kind of people who would be laughed off of /pol/. :authrighttrollface: While the site's original name was "The Frog Pond", it is actually a swamp, and one of the internet's most putrid swamps - one that regularly makes desperate attempts to raid the Sharty and always gets completely BTFO by SoyCHADs in return. :marseysoyteen: Most threads on The Ribbit Rally come across like some kind of bad satire of Trump supporters made by a Kamala Harris supporter. :marseygivecoconut:
>As you can probably imagine, it doesn't exactly take very much to get the site's users riled up. :chudjakcry: One recent thread - which received far more replies than 99% of threads on the rancid QAnon r-slur circlejerk do - is a perfect example.
>https://theribbitrally.org/qa2/res/10000.html (archived: https://archive.is/mlMrD)
>The OP, as usual, reads like something generated by some ancient AI like Cleverbot:


why doth the kike seethe

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Savior of the white race, everyone.
7 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Based donald!


zognald will never be this keyed


Denounce the talmud, shill




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ai generated demoralization kike fail

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laughing at kikes rn

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