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/qa2/ - Business Inquiries

We're dominating western culture at ease with our redpilling techniques! Shadilay! /qa2/ won!
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Do you deny the holocaust
and the results of the 2020 election?

all NAF (not a frog) must be posted here >>>/weab/

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Can you leak the IP of the nusoisluttas raiding?


Moved to >>>/qa2/806.

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Can you leak the IP of the nusoisluttas raiding?

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I have pinkeye


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Same, every morning i wake up with eye boogers and tears coming out of them and people think I'm a retarded pothead now.


stop rubbing your eyes after fingering your boyfriends asshole


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speaking from experience?


wtf, i have pink now too, first time i got it in years, wtf is this witchcraft

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does anyone remember thefrogpond.pythonanywhere.com? Have any of you posted on it?




of course.


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I did post on it and the original jarty thread

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Thank you for recreating the frog pond nuadmin

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is this the place


It is.




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Site is fixed

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Delightfully keyed!

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What happened to TheFrogPond?


We just got our business inquiries back


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now that /meta/ is useless the Elon Musk QNA will be hosted here, right?


nusoicacas got it shut down


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The Mossad saw how well Lil' MAGA was doing so they decided to take us down, now we're back and stronger than before.

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